Janesville Parker's Bree Porter To Attend Hillsdale Colllege
Bree Porter 2015 WIAA State Meet 100m HH Event
Bree Porter has accepted a basketball scholarship to Hillsdale College [MI] but hopes to participate in the hurdles on the Chargers Track and Field Team.
High School: Janesville Parker
Division: 1
Plans 2016-17: Hillsdale College
Events: Hurdles
Bree Porter: Above left-2014 Tom Mueller at Oregon. Above right- 2015 Big '8' Meet.
2013 Big '8' Conference Meet: Anchor on the 7th place 4x4 and 11th in the 100m HH.
2014 Big '8' Conference Meet: 4th in the 100m HH and 300m LH events, and runner on the 5th place 4x4.
2015 Big '8' Conference Meet: Third plac ein the 100m HH. 10th place in the 300m LH, and anchor on the 9th place 4x4.
2013 WIAA State Meet Championships: DNQ.
2014 WIAA State Meet Championships: 9th place in the 100m HH event.
2015 WIAA State Meet Championships: 14th place in the 100m HH.
Bree Porter in the 100m HH event at the 2015 WIAA Sectional at Janesville